The School of Kicking Rules

The tutors at the School of Kicking are not here to tell you off! There’s no detention, the rules are more like values we train by. Sticking to them will help you to progress safely and effectively towards your Kicking goals.


1. Earn the right to progress; work progressively through the exercises and progressions outlined in the training programs, steady continual improvement in the short term will provide long term success. Make sure you have each progression nailed down before you move on. If not you’ll just have to come back in the future when your development stagnates and earn the movement and strength you missed out on.

2. Ask if you are unsure; you can get in touch via social media or email and ask our kicking tutors any questions to ensure your progress and technique is safe and progressive.

3. Be patient and build the foundations first.

4. Every time you fall, keep getting up; after all the school motto is ‘raise and raise again until lambs become lions’


No responsibility or liability is accepted by the School of Kicking, its partnership or any persons associated with the School of Kicking, for any loss, damage, injury or illness occurred as a result of any person following the information displayed on any page of this website, our app based content, social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook), YouTube, Vimeo or following any exercises outlined in downloadable items available on this website ( or the website of any affiliate.

Risks of Product Use

Content from the School of Kicking website, ebooks, social media channels, YouTube, Vimeo or information provided through our apps is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the meal plans, training programs or information provided by the School of Kicking on any platform or format (eBook, social media channels, Edufii, Vimeo, YouTube) should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider first. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. We are not medical professionals and nothing on this website or in content provided by us should be misconstrued to mean otherwise.

There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned on this School of Kicking website ( or on other formats or platforms (eBook, social media channels, Edufii, Vimeo, YouTube) for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate in any exercises provided by the School of Kicking if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.

As with any exercise program you assume certain risks to your health and safety. Any form of exercise program can cause injuries, and the School of Kicking website, platforms and products that we use are no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing kicking exercises, especially if they are done with poor form or technique. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realiae that exercises from the School of Kicking (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such exercise activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.

No one at the School of Kicking is a medical doctor. The advice whether it be on this website, in recipe or meal plans, exercise programs or via email or social media, none of it is meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning ANY meal plan or exercise program, no exceptions.

Cancellations & Refunds

1-on-1 session

You must give at least 24 hours notice if you can no longer make your personal training session once booked. If cancelled within 24 hours of the session starting then no refund will be given. Once sessions are booked any which get rearranged with more than 24hours noticed must be done so within one month of the original date of the session to still be valid.

Workshops & Class

You must give at least 14 days notice if you can no longer make the workshop or class once booked for a full refund. If you cancel within 14 days but more than 7 days before the start of the workshop or class we will exchange for the next available workshop or class to suit you. If cancelled within 7 day period of the workshop or class then no refund will be given.

Online Coaching

Online coaching hours must be used within the 12 week period of the programme plan, starting from the date you receive your personalised programme from your coach. It’s your responsibility to ensure you utilise the coaching hours as part of your online coaching package before the end of your 12 week period. Coaching hours cannot be carried over towards any new online coaching packages.